ARCtick-licensed technicians: Role models in emissions reduction and sustainability
Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
With World Refrigeration Day happening this month, we thought we’d share this animation we produced for Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water about refrigerants. The animation contains information targeted at licensed technicians and businesses about their obligations under the permit scheme and key updates in the sector. We also produced a shorter version targeted at the general public. The video highlights how many heating and cooling systems contain refrigerant gases that contribute to global warming if released. It explains that only ARCtick licensed technicians can handle these refrigerants, which is why consumers should always seek out a licensed technician to install, maintain or remove a system. The video celebrates the great work that licensed technicians do to reduce emissions and improve energy efficiency. It also highlights some of the sectors that depend increasingly on our industry, like battery thermal management and building sustainability.